Samsung Galaxy S5 bugs: hardware related or software related?
As with any software, it’s nearly impossible to catch everything, especially with tight deadlines and budgets to meet. That being said, there have been some rather bothersome issues reported by users of the Samsung Galaxy S5. Let’s touch on some of these issues and possible solutions/work-arounds.
Many users have noticed that S5 has a pretty bad design flaw when it comes to sound reproduction, especially during calls. Excessive reverberation and thin sound are very apparent. While restarting your phone might help, this is largely a hardware flaw that you will have to get used to.
It has also been reported by many that frequently the screen will simply refuse to turn on even though everything indicates the phone itself is on and functioning. A few things to try are rebooting the phone, disabling the lock screen, turning off the S Health app or turning off Dark Screen. If you still experience issues it could be hardware related.
If you happen to run into an issue where you don’t have a menu button, the recent apps button can double as one. This shouldn’t be a problem at all as Android has mostly moved towards using only soft-keys and could have easily been avoided. Samsung still includes a physical home button and capacitive menu/back buttons.
The Samsung Galaxy S5 comes with Download Booster. This is a feature included by Samsung to ensure faster download speeds by combining your carrier’s data network with any active WiFi connections. This is actually a pretty ingenious idea, unless your carrier (we’re looking at you AT&T, Verizon, & Sprint) cripples it by removing the option to use LTE with this. If you happen to be on T-Mobile, this is a moot point for you.
Once again we have reports of slow and sluggish devices, which with the specs this thing is packing, should be completely non-existent. The likely explanation is the inclusion of TouchWiz (Samsung’s custom UI and apps) which has always been accused of being bloatware. If it gets too rough to handle, a third party launcher might be the way to go, especially now that you can download the official Google launcher from the Play Store. You can also help boost the speed of things by disabling window animations. This is done by accessing the phone’s developer options.
Two more hardware related issues are water damage and camera failure. While the camera issue is a legitimate problem, and could be caused by the lens itself, water damage is solely the fault of the user. The device is water resistant, not water proof! If you drop your phone in the toilet, that’s on you buddy.
It’s not unexpected for new devices to have a few issues out of the gate, but some of these shouldn’t even be issues. TouchWiz related or not it seems a lot of times OEMs try to fix what isn’t broken when applying their own skins and software. Let us know in the comments if you’ve experienced these or any other issues with the Samsung Galaxy S5
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